Ian Trapp
Software Engineer
Project maintained by IanDTrapp
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
About Me
I'm a computer science student at the University of Georgia and an aspiring software engineer. I enjoy solving problems of all types and sizes with whatever tools I can get my hands on. I'm looking to gain as much experience as I possibly can by working in the fields of computer science and information technology to put the skills I've learned and developed to good use.
My Experience
CareerBuilder LLC
Software Engineering Intern - Summer 2015 and 2016
- Full stack web development in an effort to move the Talent Network platform from a .NET solution to a
Node content management system in Amazon Cloud
- Owned the manage website flow for creating, editing, and deleting websites by writing and implementing
custom API endpoints and using Angular.js for a better front end user experience
- Contributed to the overall effort to provide the open source Node content management solution
PencilBlue with a multi-website solution
- Wrote functional tests for the dynamic job search page using Nightwatch.js
- Member of an Agile team that followed two week sprints and delivered iteratively
University of Georgia Plant Biology
Administration/IT - March 2016 - Present
- Aids in response, diagnosis, and resolution of IT problems of all natures
- Assists in OS and hardware deployments
- Contributes to the daily operations of the UGA Plant Biology Department
My Skills
- Proficient: Java, Node.js, JavaScript, Express.js
- Used: Python, C, C++, Bootstrap, jQuery, SQL, Amazon Web Services, Angular, Java Swing, MIPS
- Small team project management implementing Agile and Lean principles
- Basic data mining, analysis, and visualization using Python, Gephi, Excel, and JMP
- Use of NoSQL databases [MongoDB] and relational databases [MySQL, PostgreSQL]
- Full stack web development using the MEAN stack
- Version control using GitHub
Imgeo - Location Based Image Sharing Service - Spring 2016
- A location based photo sharing website built with Node.js, MongoDB
- Source code available upon request
The Music Of Reddit
The Music Of Reddit - Summer 2016
- A multi-part analysis of music subreddits using Python, Gephi, and the Reddit API
GroupMe Fantasy Football Reporter
GroupMe Fantasy Football Reporter - Fall 2016
Relevant Course Work
- CSCI 1301 - Intro to Programming
- CSCI 1302 - Software Development
- CSCI 2670 - Intro to Theory of Computation
- CSCI 1730 - Systems Programming
- CSCI 2610 - Discrete Mathematics
- CSCI 2720 - Data Structures
- CSCI 3030 - Computing Ethics
- CSCI 4050 - Software Engineering*
- CSCI 4370 - Database Management
- CSCI 4550 - Artificial Intelligence*
- CSCI 4560 - Evolutionary Computation*
- CSCI 4720 - Computer Architecture and Organization
- STAT 4210 - Staticstical Methods
- ENGL 3590 - Technical and Professional Communication
* In progress
Contact Me